Kelp 300mg

250 vegi-tabs of 300mg Kelp, naturally rich in Iodine which maintains normal metabolism and helps produce thyroxine.

  • 250 vegi-tabs

  • £5.75
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Kelp 300mg - Boost Metabolism and Help Produce Thyroxine!

Kelp is an oceanic seaweed of the Laminaria family. It is a natural concentrated source of minerals, including Iodine, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron. Iodine is the main mineral we obtain from Kelp and this is used by the body to make the thyroid hormone Thyroxine. Thyroxine regulates the metabolism of the body, it controls the rate at which fats and sugars are burned by the body as well as helping to control cholesterol.

Each Kelp tablet in this product naturally provides 240µg of Iodine, which because it is not stored in the body for long must be replaced on a regular basis. Kelp has been used for centuries as a natural way to boost metabolism as an aid to slimming, but more recently it's been used in the treatment and prevention of goitre.

Supplement Info
Each vegi-tab provides:
   which naturally provides:

Ingredients: Kelp, Calcium Phosphate, Acacia, Stearic Acid, Aniseed Oil
Suitable for vegetarians
Free From: Sugar, Gluten, Yeast, Corn, Wheat, Lactose, Preservatives and Artificial Colours & Flavours
    • Weight
      188 g
    • SKU
  • Pack size
    250 vegi-tabs
  • Directions
    Take 1-2 vegi-tabs daily
  • Barcode (EAN)
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